Excerpt from a Bible Reading, 1963 (as such, the listener will bare with the quality of the audio)
Question: Can we safely be satisfied with the translation of the Scriptures that we have in our hands? (KJV)
The KJV is safe, and Mr. Darby’s translation is identified as a “more literal” translation of the original texts.
C.H. Brown explains that the Darby translation is a literal one, while the KJV is described as being more “literary” in its character.
There are very few fundamental errors in the KJV (only those mentioned in the recording are here included).
- For instance, sin being the “transgression of the law” in 1 John 3:4. This is false, obviously, as there was sin long before the law was given.
- In 2 Timothy 4:1 in KJV, it would seem that the Lord will judge the “quick and dead” at His appearing; but this is false. The apostle charges the believers by two things: that He will judge the quick and the dead, and by His appearing (and kingdom). Mr. Darby’s rendering is accurate.
- 2 Thess. 2:2: Here, there was a blunder in the choice of texts to follow. The correct rendering should be the “day of the Lord.”
- Revelation 22:14: The correct rendering should be “Blessed are they that wash their robes,” and not “that do his commandments.”
QUOTATIONS provided:
- Mr. Darby on his translation (read here by P. Wilson): “My endeavor has been to present to the merely English reader, the original as closely as possible. Those who make a version for public use must of course adapt their course to the public. Such has not been my object or thought, but to give to the student of scripture, who cannot read the original, as close a translation as possible.”
- “The faithful rendering of the original outweighs every other consideration” (J. N. Darby).
- “It is a duty to ascertain what has the weightiest claims to be received as the truth” (W. Kelly).
- “It is important to get as near as possible to the exact words which God caused to be written” (P. Wilson).
- “Mr. Darby’s translation has been under-emphasized” (C.H. Brown).
The authorized version is beautiful. God has honored it for many years, and many have been saved by it. We should not want to set that aside. However, if God has given us the most faithful translation existent on earth, and not only so, it is outstanding in its character — every Bible student ought to be encouraged in the use of it.