Daniel Andersen, 1960
The listener is to have patience and bear with the quality of this recording.
I. “To inquire of Him” (Psalm 27:4)
“One thing have I asked of Jehovah, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of Jehovah all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of Jehovah, and to inquire [of Him] in his temple.”
“that will I seek after” = a determination
“that I may dwell in the house of Jehovah” = being in the Lord’s presence
“to behold the beauty” = to behold how gracious He is!
II. Daniel, Chapter 1
Reading of Daniel 1:
Submission to authority today despite finding ourselves in a day of moral decline.
- “The powers that be are ordained of God” (Romans 13:1).
- Constituted authority in the world.
- There is authority in the assembly.
- Parental authority: Honoring our parents as long as they are alive.
- The Lord’s authority: We are subject to the Lord and His word.
The world, as seen in the first chapter in Daniel.
- The “times of the Gentiles” commenced – governmental power seen in the hands of Gentile powers.
- Israel had forsaken the Lord. They looked to the world to satisfy their hearts.
Daniel had purpose of heart!
III. The Positive Side of Separation
- The heart filled with Christ has no room for anything else which is of this world.
- Budgeting our time would be an important key to cleaving to the Lord – being diligent – having time to pray and reading the word.
- We are often time famished spiritually. We should ask the Lord for help to take in what we hear or read.
- The king in Daniel 1 is typical of the prince of this world, the wicked one. He is a great power in this world today.
- Daniel knew that God had all things in His control. Daniel’s confidence was in God.
- The Church today which walks with the world is like a church carried off to Babylon.
- “Prove thy servants, I beseech thee, ten days…” = 10 days = period of testing – period of responsibility
IV. Heavenly Food
“…And let them give us pulse to eat, and water to drink” (vs. 12).
- Pulse – made from lentils
- Lentils = reminds of Canaan’s food = heavenly food; Water = God’s word
- The wine and the meat = what the world would provide
- Wine = earthly joy, Meat = that which appeals to flesh, the lusts of the flesh
V. Prayer
- Daniel had private prayer. He also prayed collectively (Daniel 2).
- Daniel had confidence that the Lord would show him (Daniel 2:16).
- Daniel prayed 3x daily (Daniel 6:10).
- Faith trusts God. We don’t see our faith as being anything great, but we see God as being great! Faith sees God as being great!
- What we do down here is training time – “training time for reigning time!” This is the place to develop our capacity for enjoying Jesus Christ – this is done by being in His presence down here!
- The more we get into His presence, the more distaste we will have for the things of the world.
VI. Hymn
Have I an object, Lord, below Which would divide my heart with Thee; Which would divert its even flow In answer to Thy constancy? Oh teach me quickly to return, And cause my heart afresh to burn. Have I a hope, however dear, Which would defer Thy coming, Lord! Which would detain my spirit here (Where naught can lasting joy afford)? From it, my Saviour, set me free, To look, and long, and wait for Thee. Be Thou the object bright and fair To fill and satisfy the heart; My hope to meet Thee in the air, And nevermore from Thee to part: That I may undistracted be To follow, serve, and wait for Thee.